Delete your Clarityflow account

Need to permanently delete your Clarityflow account? Say it ain't so!

But if you must...

First, some notes about account deletion:

  • Deleting your Clarityflow will permanently delete the account and all content and recordings created in this account.
  • Deleting your account cannot be undone.
  • Deleting your account will not delete your user login. After account deletion, you can still log in, access other accounts, and/or create a new account with your current login.
  • In order to delete your account, your account must not have an active paid subscription. If it does, you'll need to cancel and complete this subscription before deleting your account.

To delete your account:

  1. Visit your account settings
  2. Scroll down and click "Delete Account"
  3. Fill in the reason for deleting your account.
  4. Check the box to confirm this will permanently delete your account and content.
  5. Click "Delete Account" to finish the deletion process.

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